Mission Statement
Our Mission McLane Elementary School strives to provide an outstanding learning environment, including the quality of its staff, a sense of family, an excellent physical facility and a safe environment which will enable ALL students to reach their maximum learning potential.
Contact Information
Principal: Dannie Clark
Secretary: Barbara Parker
Attendance: Wendy Harris
Office Phone Number: 360-596-6600
Attendance Line: 360-596-6603
Fax Number: 360-596-6601
School Hours
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
School begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 2:15 p.m., except on Wednesdays when school ends early at 1:25 p.m.
Absence/Late Arrival
If your child is going to be absent from school, please call our attendance line and leave a message as to why your child is absent. Please include your name and your child's name. If your child arrives late to school, he/she needs to check in at the office before going to class to check-in and receive a tardy slip to give to their classroom teacher.
If your child needs to leave early from school, he/she will need to be checked-out through the office by the authorized adult taking the child from school.
Any planned absence lasting longer than two days, such as a family vacation, needs to be pre-approved with the Planned Absence Request form available from the office.
After School Arrangements Y-Care
McLane is fortunate to have the South Sound YMCA offering a licensed child care program in our building. This program offers developmentally appropriate enrichment activities for K-5 students. Child care for early dismissal and teacher in-service days is included. For further information, contact the YMCA Child Care Office at 360-705-2642.
Free and Reduced Lunch forms are available on the district website. Click here. Free and reduced price breakfast and lunch are available to families who qualify according to family size and income. Applications must be on file with the school district. To find monthly breakfast and lunch menus, click here.
Enrollment (approximate)
425 students (Pre-school, Life-Skills, Kindergarten through grade 5)
46,076 square feet on 8.2 acres with 20 classrooms
Drop-off & Pick-up After School Procedure
For the safety of your children, students that are being picked up by car will be directed to wait for pick-up on “The Porch” under the covered area at the front of the building. Families parked in the pick-up lane are asked to remain in your vehicles. School staff will direct students to their appropriate vehicles as families pull forward in front of “The Porch”. Handicap parking is available in the upper lot. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Clark.
Lost and Found
We encourage families to label all clothing items and lunch boxes with the child's name so it can be returned, However, if your child has misplaced a coat, jacket, lunch box, or any number of other personal items, they will be placed in the Lost and Found cart. If the lost item is small (i.e. jewelry, eye glasses, rings, etc.), the item will be placed in the office for safe keeping. Lost and Found items are put on display during conference weeks for families to check as well. At the end of the school year, all remaining items are donated.
Test Scores
To search test scores for McLane Elementary, visit the state report card published by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI).